Hi, my name is Jon Okawa


Soon to be Software Engineer with a Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering from the University of Miami. I have worked on a variety of projects ranging from 2D game design in Unity to the creation of a basic website using Django. I am always trying to better my skills as an Engineer by learning new languages or technologies.

About Me

Born and raised in Hawai'i, I think my interest in the tech field started when I was addicted to playing Super Mario Bros. on the original Nintendo Gameboy. That interest grew and spread to other technological devices and to this day I still enjoy playing video games and learning about new and updated technologies. I received my high school diploma from Mid-Pacific Institute in 2013 and enrolled at the University of Miami to study computer engineering.

At the University of Miami I was introduced to things such as programming, algorithms, circuit theory, and other engineering principles. I initially started as a computer engineer focused on hardware, but after a few years, nothing really clicked and I decided to switch to the software option. It was only then that I really began to appreciate the concept of coding and creating something from just an idea.


Locus Bluetooth Locator

Lotte Requisition Forms

4 Player Battleship

Time Stop Dungeon


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2021:JLPT N3 | 2022:JLPT N2


Reach out to me at anytime and I will get back to you as soon as possible.